Friday, April 2, 2010

A Salt Shaker? Who? Me?

I was reminded last week of an old story about a woman who longed for home. She was moving to a new place she did not want to go. While on the road out of town she looked back at all she was going to miss. I can imagine her crying while walking on the road maybe even complaining to her husband. The memories of life, family and friendship flowing through her mind. I'm sure the longing in her heart, soul, and mind wanted to stay. Her tears of salt overwhelmed and consumed her and she herself became a pillar of salt. Her body left to drift away in the places of in-between.

Never home and but never moving forward.

The lessons I take from this woman are:

1. I need to live for today. There is no tomorrow and yesterday is gone. Today is what I have. What memories can I make today? What can I find today that lifts my spirit? Is there something in today I can be grateful for?

2. I can't look back. There are moments and times in the past when I've thought, "My life would be better if________(fill in the blank.) When the expectations of a girl look so much more appealing than the life of the woman I now lead. It happens though, right? My expectations of how I thought my life was going to be is very different than what is. How do we reconcile those differences and move forward? Sometimes it isn't hard. The differences were a good change than what I thought and expected. But others...well. However, dreaming is only for the future. An act that is supposed elevate the soul to a place of passion that leads to doing. There's nothing I can do about the past but be at peace with it.

3. What am I pouring out? Am I pouring out bitterness and resentment or joy and gladness? How are the people around me being affected by what I pour out?

These are the thoughts running around me today. The thoughts that wake up me while the house is still. The questions that are never really answered but new for each day.


  1. You are so wise, Katie. This really ministered to me. Thank you.

  2. just what I needed today. thank you!

  3. this was PHENOM!! your best yet!
